The Banquet Group Dance

Submission Deadline: November 17, 2021

Thanks for being willing to join our funny little dance project! Basically what we want to do is collect a bunch of videos of us all doing a dance and put them together!

Is the song cheesy? Oh definitely! It’s just meant to be simple and fun! We’ll be showing this video at our November virtual banquet.



  1. Gather what you’ll need:
    A screen to watch the dance so you can follow along
    a device to record you dancing (phone recording is totally fine!)
    a bunch of people to dance with!

  2. Grab your friends, family, church group, youth group and watch this youtube dance a couple times over until you feel like you mostly know it!

  3. Record your group doing the whoooole dance! Please start the recording about 10 seconds before you dance, keep the audio in the video even if its bad, stop the recording 10 seconds after you stop dancing.

  4. Send the video to (Email me, Alecia, if you have questions)



  1. Does the dance have to be perfect? No, not at all! This is just for fun and if you stumble along the way, there’s no worries, keep recording!

  2. Will my video be super front and center? Nope. There will be lots of videos and yours will be one of many.

If you have questions, feel free to email


Try learning this dance!

Either side is fine : )